It's been over a year. It's been one really crazy year. I've finally come to a place of understanding and acceptance, that life with teenagers is just, plain, different. It will never be like it was when they were young and innocent and I had the ability to control most of their time and environment. All of that has changed now. (As it should.) It's just taken me a little while to adjust. I love my teenagers and I am still very much needed, it's just more as a cheerleader and directory guide now. They need to have more freedom than before and I need to work hard to set a good example more than I lecture. It's funny when you recognize a glazed look decending on your child's face as you are in the middle of some brilliant advice that would help make their life happier and better and you realize that they no longer hang on your every word. I used to have all of the answers. Now, my knowledge is apparently out-dated and irrelevant. Who knew? Now that I have accepted my husband's and my lack of control, we are plugging along nicely. Praying that all of the hard work we have put in (and continue to put in) will pay off and our kids will grow up to be good people, pay their bills, get an education and hopefully not move back in when they are thirty. Am I being sarcastic? Yeeesss ... sort of. Am I going crazy? Definitely. I blame that on them.
ANYway, while the past year has been busy, it has also been a lot of fun. I do feel very blessed. I've been working now for two years and learn new things everyday. I've got to photograph some exciting places and people, and have been stretched and pulled and all of that uncomfortable stuff that comes along with change.
Logan is about to finish 11th grade. It has been a doozy. He is in his school's IB program. He chose a career program that focuses on sports science and it has been a great fit for him. To get through COVID he has been eating meat and exercising (in between lots of school work and binge-watching Netflix of course). I can't believe I only have one year left with him at home. I am not ready to talk about that.
Linc has been really busy with school. He participated in his school's Model UN program and represented North Korea. It was harder than he thought it would be due to lack information. I told him he should have picked one of the countries we have lived in but he though NK would be funny. Sigh. He still loves to sketch and create comics in his spare time. He still brings calmness and peace to our home!
Owen is finishing up his first year of middle school. He did really well. He's into music and loves to play his trombone and sing. He has a quirky sense of humor that needs a filter from time to time and gets him in trouble often. His heart is big and he can now breathe through his nose since he had turbinoplasty surgery and his adenoids removed a month ago. He dreams of winning America's Got Talent or becoming a champion gamer.
Ellie has changed the most over the past year. She is really growing up and I am happy to say that she still has one year left in elementary school. I don't want her growing up too fast now. She loves anything tactile. Slime is favorite thing in the world and she is quite an expert at it. If you have any slime issues, she is your girl. We love to spend time together watching cheesy Hallmark movies that boys wouldn't watch with us if you offered them bin of popsicles. Good Witch is our current favorite.
As for Dan and I ... well, we are hanging in there. COVID gave us the blessing of slowing down a bit and spending more time together. It was stressful in some ways, but overall a good things for us. We went on lots of walks and got to know our neighborhood pretty well. Belgium is wonderful at being full of accessible nature. There are trails and forests everywhere within walking distance. I will miss that when we leave next year. Speaking of that, we will be bidding this summer and find out our next "home" by October or November. There is always a funny stress that comes with the anticipation of wondering where your next place will be. I try not to think about it and live in the present, but its always there in the back of my mind. I guess we will see. At this point in the game, I say, "Bring it On."
I'll leave you with a few pics from our recent family walks and hopefully, it won't be an entire year before I update you again. I hope everyone out there is staying healthy and happy!